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Farraday Ayne Newsome

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Source: Artist


Artist's Studio: Indigo Street Pottery


Typical Marks

FKoller, FSredl or FNewsome (see pertinent dates of name changes in information box below) incised on bottom of piece at the leatherhard stage with a dull pencil, and in recent years fired with a covering of clear glaze.

1984 - 2004
Tenmoku-glazed cereal bowl
Date: 1983
Materials: Stoneware
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Glaze
Photo: Artist
Photo: Artist
Large Platter with Fruit and Shells
Date: 1997
Photo: Artist
Photo: Artist
Dark Blue Bowl with Oranges
Date: 2012
Photo: Artist
Photo: Artist
Form: Plate
Materials: Earthenware
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Majolica/Mailocia
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified October 7, 2019.