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William, Bill, C. Alexander

Biography to Display: 


1988Died Hawaii


1953-1955 University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma

1957 BA Baylor University, Waco, Texas

1960 MFA Alfred University, Alfred, New York


1961-1962Apprentice to Master, Haussmann Keramik, Uster, Switzerland


1960-1961Studio Potter, Laufenburg, Germany

1962-1963Secretary-Treasurer, A&P Drilling, Co., Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

1963-1977Professor, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

1977—Director, School of Art, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana


William C. Alexander is known for terra sigillata decorated pots. His artistic production includes a wide range of wares.

He experimented extensively with low-fire ceramics, terra sigillata and woodfiring.  In 1973 he presented his first research in ceramic toxicity. Through his research and publications on the topic, Alexander is considered one of the founders of the art safety movement.

Alexander started his ceramics career in Europe as a potter in Germany and an Apprentice Master in Switzerland. When he moved back to the United States, he helped establish and grow the ceramics programs at Colorado State University and Montana State University.



Public Collections to Display: 

Mills College Art Museum, Oakland, California


Bibliography to Display: 

Alexander, William C. "Ceramic Toxicology." Studio Potter (Spring 1974).

___________________. "Wood Firing." Studio Potter  (Spring 1974).

Nelson, Glenn C. Ceramics; a Potter's Handbook. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.

"The Last Decade of the Crafts." Craft Horizons  (June 1976).

Wettlaufer, George, and Nancy Wettlaufer. Getting into Pots: A Basic Pottery Manual. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976.


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The Forrest L. Merrill Collection, Dane Cloutier Archive


Typical Marks

Before 1967: Zigzag line forming a small "w" and a large "A" with the bar of the A crossing through the w, as well as a "s" rune or uppercase "N" reversed and tilted to the right, within a square written in black

After 1967: Zigzag line forming a large "W" and large "A" with the bar of the A crossing though the W, written in black.

until 1967
after 1967
Date: 1969
Materials: Stoneware
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Salt Glaze
Forrest L. Merrill Collection, Dane Cloutier Archives
Forrest L. Merrill Collection, Dane Cloutier Archives
Date: 1977
Forrest L. Merrill Collection, Dane Cloutier Archives
Forrest L. Merrill Collection, Dane Cloutier Archives

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified February 11, 2024.