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Elenor A. Wilson

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Artist's Studio: Elenor Wilson Ceramics or EAW Ceramics


Typical Marks
First Lidded Jar
Date: 2001
Materials: White Stoneware
Method: Thrown (Turquoise Lidded Jar, approx. 8" h. Cone 10 reduction, Stoneware.)
Surface Technique: Glaze
Photo: Elenor Wilson
Photo: Elenor Wilson
"Fabric" Pitcher
Date: 2007
Materials: Porcelain
Method: Thrown and Altered (10"h. Thrown and altered Cone 10 soda-fired porcelain, multiple and layered glazes. )
Surface Technique: Glaze
Photo: Elenor Wilson
Photo: Elenor Wilson
Turquoise Bowl
Date: 2014
Materials: Porcelain
Method: Thrown and Altered (Cone 6 porcelain, thrown and altered, mishima black slip, electric fired, cone 6 glaze, cone 04 glaze, cone 018 gold lustre.)
Surface Technique: Glaze, Luster
Photo: Elenor Wilson
Photo: Elenor Wilson
Sake Set
Date: 2014
Materials: Porcelain
Method: Thrown, Pinched (Bottle - 6" h, wheel thrown. Cups - 2" dia., pinched. Cone 10 Grolleg Porcelain, Cone 6 transparent glaze liner, Cone 018 gold lustre.)
Surface Technique: Glaze, Luster, Unglazed
Photo: Elenor Wilson
Photo: Elenor Wilson

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified November 9, 2019.