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Jill Solomon

Biography to Display: 

Born South Africa


1969 BA University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa


Jill Solomon hand builds with white earthenware clay. Terra sigillata (a fine-particle slip, or, liquid clay) is applied, then the piece is saggar-fired (saggar: kiln firing a ceramic object in a fireclay clay container, the saggar).

Solomon’s influences include her South African childhood, and the geology of coastal Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island of eastern Canada.



Typical Marks
Open Yellow Boat-Bowl
Materials: Stoneware
Method: Coiled
Surface Technique: Underglaze
The State of Clay, Lexington, MA, 2016
Photo: TMP
The State of Clay, Lexington, MA, 2016
Photo: TMP

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified March 29, 2023.