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2000 BFA Ceramics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
2005 MFA Ceramics, School of Art & Art History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
2005-2008 Adjunct Professor of Studio Arts, Cazenovia College, Cazenovia, New York
2007– Studio Manager, Cazenovia College, Cazenovia, New York
2009-2010 Visiting Professor of Art, Cazenovia College, Cazenovia, New York
2009-2014 Sole Proprietor, Jeremy Randall Ceramics
2015–Sole Proprietor, Rusty Wheel Pottery, Tully, New York
Jeremy Randall is known for functional and decorative slab built ceramics.
Randall creates work using paper templates or free form designs. He uses a variety of textured boards to pattern the clay surface prior to assembling each flat slab into a final vessel form. Randall often drops the slabs from overhead onto the textured boards. The resulting linear, circular, or metal-tread patterns are transferred by force into the leather hard clay. This process is followed by construction of the vessel.
Color is added by using a variety of terra sigillata hues applied prior to firing. Two or more terra sigillatas are sometimes applied by layering. The effect is a light-on-dark appearance which emphasizes the textured surface. Works are low fired, and often feature black glazes, or none at all. Randall's signature forms include a variety of rubber-capped bottles and lidded canisters with the addition of nichrome wire handles. His work references rural Americana: farm tools, architecture, and antiquities, function and history.
Bailey Pottery Equipment, Kingston, New York
Southern Illinois University, University Museum, Carbondale, Illinois
Hemachandra, Ray and Julia Galloway. 500 Vases: Contemporary Explorations of a Classic Form. New York, NY: Lark Books, 2010.
Tourtillott, Suzanne J.E. 500 Cups: Ceramic Explorations of Utility and Grace. New York, NY: Lark Books, 2005.
Turner, Anderson. Surface Decoration Techniques. Westerville, OH: American Ceramic Society, 2014.
Citation: Jeffrey Kuratnick. "The Marks Project." Last modified October 17, 2019.