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Rebecca Plummer, Jon Ellenbogen

Biography to Display: 

1951 Born West Chester, Pennsylvania


BA Philosophy

Coursework, West Chester State, Alfred University and Penland School of Crafts


Rebecca Plummer and Jon Ellenbogen make stoneware pottery intended for daily use in the home.

All ingredients are naturally occurring minerals mined in the eastern United States. They employ glazes made exclusively at their studio, having been developed after many years' research. No toxic materials are used in the clay or glazes. The pottery is fired to nearly 2400 degrees F, a temperature well above the melting point of many metals.

Rebecca and Jon have been working together as Barking Spider Pottery for over forty years. Their passive solar studio and home is built above the Toe River in the mountains of Western North Carolina.


Bibliography to Display: 

Fairbanks, Jonathan L, and Angela Fina. The Best of Pottery. Rockport, Mass: Quarry Books, 1996.

Hopper, Robin. Functional Pottery: Form and Aesthetic in Pots of Purpose. Radnor, Pa: Chilton Book Co, 1986.



Artist's Studio: Barking Spider Pottery



Center for CraftSouthern Highland Craft Guild



Center for CraftCenter For Craft


Typical Marks
Materials: Stoneware
Surface Technique: Glaze
Materials: Stoneware
Surface Technique: Glaze

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified May 26, 2024.