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Garnet Pavatea, Flower Girl

Biography to Display: 

1915 Born

1981 Died


Pueblo Potter


Garnet Pavatea was a Hopi-Tewa potter who lived and worked in the Tewa village on First Mesa, Arizona. She made the traditional forms she had learned from other potters in her village. There are two colors of clay available to Hopi potters, tan and red. 

Pavatea chose to work with red clay which is more difficult to polish and fire. Her pieces were decorated with traditional Hopi-Tewa symbols using black and red slip. She was also known to leave her pieces undecorated with triangular indentations around the rim.



Public Collections to Display: 

Heard Museum of Native Cultures and Art, Phoenix, Arizona

Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona



Bibliography to Display: 

Christy Turner, Photographer. Flagstaff, AZ: Museum of Northern Arizona, 1956. 

Museum of Northern Arizona. Hopi and Hopi-Tewa pottery. Flagstaff, AZ: The Museum of Northern Arizona Press, 1993. 

Wade, Edwin L., and Allan Cooke. Canvas of Clay: Seven Centuries of Hopi Ceramic Art. Sedona, AZ: El Otro Lado, 2012. 




Typical Marks
after 1950
Date: after 1950
Materials: Earthenware
Method: Coiled
Crocker Art Museum, Gift of Loren G. Lipson, 2014.24.3
Crocker Art Museum, Gift of Loren G. Lipson, 2014.24.3
Materials: Earthenware
Method: Coiled
Crocker Art Museum, Gift of Loren G. Lipson
Crocker Art Museum, Gift of Loren G. Lipson

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified April 6, 2023.