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Lynn R. Munns

Biography to Display: 


1968 BS Utah State University, Logan, Utah

1970 MFA Utah State University, Logan, Utah

1971 Coursework with Ken Ferguson, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington


1964-1970 Summer Resident, The Pottery, Virginia City, Montana

1973-1976 Summer Resident, The Village Pottery, Cody, Wyoming

1977 Artist in Residence, Wyoming Council on the Arts

1975 Artist in Residence, Wyoming Council on the Arts

1975 Study in Japan and Okinawa

1981 Artist in Residence, Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts, Helena, Montana

2003 Artist in Residence, Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Newcastle, Maine


1964-1966 Assistant Director, The Pottery, Virginia City, Montana

1971-2006 Professor of Art, Department of Visual Arts, Casper College, Casper, Wyoming

1973-1980 Chairman, Department of Visual Arts, Casper College, Casper, Wyoming

1980-2006 Chairman, Division of Fine Arts, Casper College, Casper, Wyoming


Lynn Munns is known for functional pottery. Signature forms include lidded jars, baskets, wall vases, and a variety of utilitarian wares. Work is created on the potter's wheel, or occasionally hand-built depending on the form.

Pieces are often left unmarked after creating the initial form. Occasionally stamping or raised clay appendages of simple shapes are added in the greenware stage. Munns typically fires his work in wood kilns, with the addition of salt. Signature glazes include a variety of shinos that appear in shades of orange, or white – often featuring a beaded or mottled texture in the finished state.


Public Collections to Display: 

American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, California

Anderson Ranch, Snowmass, Colorado

Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts, Helena, Montana

Casper College, Casper, Wyoming

Central Wyoming Museum of Art, Casper, Wyoming

Ceramics Monthly Magazine Collection, Columbus, Ohio

Charles M. Russell Museum, Great Falls, Montana

East Carolina University Art Museum, Asheville, North Carolina

Kurashiki Mingei-Kon, Kurashiki, Okayama-ken, Japan

Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne, Wyoming

The Nicolaysen Art Museum, Casper, Wyoming

Nora Eccles Art Museum, Utah State University, Logan, Utah

University of Wyoming Art Museum, Laramie, Wyoming

Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Newcastle, Maine




Center for CraftCenter For Craft



AMOCA American Museum of Ceramic ArtAMOCA American Museum of Ceramic Art


Typical Marks

Lynn R Munns stamped with type and a capitol M carved in a square or a circle.

Materials: Porcelain
Method: Thrown and Altered
Surface Technique: Glaze
Courtesy Red Lodge Clay Center
Photo: TMP
Courtesy Red Lodge Clay Center
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP
Covered Jar
Date: 1984
Materials: Stoneware
Method: Thrown
Dimensions: 12.8 inches in diameter
Surface Technique: Glaze
American Museum of Ceramic Art, gift of The American Ceramic Society, 2004.2.246
American Museum of Ceramic Art, gift of The American Ceramic Society, 2004.2.246

Citation: Jeffrey Kuratnick. "The Marks Project." Last modified April 22, 2023.