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Reiko Miyagi

Biography to Display: 


B.A. Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan


 Reiko Miyagi is known for medium fired stoneware.  Some pieces feature underglaze painting with sgraffito decoration while others emphasize more simple glazework design. Her ceramics retain an organic feel through shapes and colors, as well as her unique imagery.

Miyagi was raised in Japan and studied contemporary art at Tama Art University in Tokyo, where she earned a B.A. She then studied pottery making and worked as a studio potter in the pottery town of Mashiko. She relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1998 exposing her to new materials, shapes, and styles. 

Miyagi has shown her work nationally and internationally.  Her work has been selected by numerous shows, galleries, and museums including the Smithsonian Craft Show, the American Craft Council Shows, Nordstrom. Her work is in the Mint Museum's permanent collection.



Artist's Studio: Studio Tabula Rasa


Typical Marks

Small circular stamp, “R” on bottom of work. Occasionally signed with underglaze.

Materials: White Stoneware
Method: Slab molded
Surface Technique: Sgraffito
Materials: White Stoneware
Method: Slab-Built
Surface Technique: Sgraffito

Citation: Reff, Grace. "The Marks Project." Last modified April 22, 2023.