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Ken McDonald, Barbara Holden, Kennedy McDonald, J Kennedy McDonald

Biography to Display: 

1921 Born Tennessee

1987 Died Florida


1946-1949 Coursework, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electronics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee


1941— Radio Man, United States Navy

1946-1954 Co-owner, Markus Ceramics, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

1954-1969 Co-owner, McDonald Pottery, Gatlinburg, Tennessee



Kennedy McDonald is known for functional pottery thrown on a kick wheel. Early work was slip molded. The glaze palet included earth tones, opaque whites, and blues.

McDonald and his wife, Barbara McDonald, worked together at McDonald Pottery formerly Markus Ceramics.  They used Ohio red ball clay and fired in a square electric kiln during their years as Markus Ceramics. During the McDonald Pottery years, they switched to stoneware and firing in a gas kiln.


Public Collections to Display: 

Southern Highland Craft Guild, Asheville, North Carolina


Bibliography to Display: 

Blim, Sherry L., “ The McDonald Pottery: Clay with a Voice.” Vase Finder,

Smith, Samuel D. and Stephen T. Rogers. Tennessee Potteries, Pots and Potters 1790s – 1950 Volume 1. Nashville, TN: Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation, 2011.




Center for CraftSouthern Highland Craft Guild



Center for CraftCenter For Craft


Typical Marks
Date: 1957
Materials: Stoneware
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Glaze
Southern Highland Craft Guild
Photo: Southern Highland Craft Guild
Southern Highland Craft Guild
Photo: Southern Highland Craft Guild

Citation: Jeffrey Kuratnick. "The Marks Project." Last modified May 26, 2024.