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Erik Gellert

Biography to Display: 

Born 1976 Royal Oak, Michigan


1999BA English, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

2014Certificate Ceramics, AAA Professional Craft Ceramics, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, New Mexico


2012-2015Ceramic Apprenticeship, James Marshall, Santa Fe, New Mexico


2012-2014Ceramics Studio Technician, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, New Mexico

2015Instructor of Ceramics, Astrocamp, Idyllwild, California

2016Ceramics Technician, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, New Mexico



Erik H Gellert is known for hand-built white stoneware sculpture developed from an amorphous form on thick geometric slabs or assemblages of coiled clay. Gellert adds 1000+/- hand rolled coils in layers to develop the final sculpture. Finishing is done with mason stains and/or acrylic house paint that is added post-firing. Frequently a geometric ‘base’, a thick slab cut cylinder, square or rectangle is flipped to be the top plane with spiral textured elements supporting it.


Bibliography to Display: 

Abatemarco, Michael. “From the Nymph’s Perspective.” Santa Fe New Mexican Pasatiempo, March,25, 2016.

________________. “You Can Go Home Again: Outer Local.” Santa Fe New Mexican Pasatiempo, October 21, 2016.

Armitage, Diane. “Border Crossing.” THE Magazine (February/March 2015).

“News Brief.” World Sculpture News 22, no. 3 (2016).




Typical Marks
Date: 2016
Form: Sculpture
Materials: White Earthenware
Method: Coiled
Surface Technique: Acrylic Paint
Photo: Artist
Photo: Artist
Photo: Artist
Square 11
Date: 2016
Form: Sculpture
Materials: White Earthenware
Method: Coiled
Surface Technique: Stain
Photo: Artist
Photo: Artist
Photo: Artist

Citation: Herrera, Carolyn E.. "The Marks Project." Last modified June 4, 2023.