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Peter Flister

Biography to Display: 

1958 Born Boston, Massachusetts


1982 BA Art Education, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, Massachusetts

2011 MEd Arts and Learning, Endicott College, Beverly, Massachusetts


Peter Flister makes wheel-thrown functional work which is fired in saggars (containers within a kiln). Organic materials may be placed in the saggar with the piece resulting in color flashing on the surface of the piece.

He is influenced by Native American, Japanese, and contemporary western pottery.



Bibliography to Display: 

Lazo, Eduardo. Naked Clay and Related Bare Clay Techniques. Westerville OH: The American Ceramic Society, 2012.



Typical Marks

Typically located on foot or underside. Inscribed with needle tool or pencil; on occasion, with fine-line gold marker.

Form: Covered Jar
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Saggar Fired
The State of Clay, Lexington, MA, 2016
Photo: TMP
The State of Clay, Lexington, MA, 2016
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified June 8, 2023.