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Holly Curcio

Biography to Display: 


1974 Born Schenectady, New York


1996 BFA Ceramics, University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth, North Dartmouth MA

2007 MFA Ceramics, Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona


1995 Ceramics Workshop Assistant, Associcacao Cultural, Angre do     Heroismo, Terceira, Azores, Portugal

2010 Adjunct Instructor, Ceramics, Colorado Mountain College, Aspen, Colorado

2012-2014 Adjunct Instructor, Ceramics, Emmanuel College, Boston Massachusetts

2014— Art Restorer, Restoration Services, Arlington, Massachusetts


1999- 2000 Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, California

2005-2006 Windgate Curatorial Internship, Arizona State University Ceramics Research Center, University of Arizona, Tempe, Arizona

2007-2008 Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Snowmass Village, Colorado

2009-2011 Carbondale Clay Center, Carbondale Colorado

2011-2012 Mudflat Studio, Somerville, Massachusetts


Holly Curcio’s works in terra cotta and low-fired earthenware. Known for tile work for domestic and institutional installation, Curcio also works in small scale sculptural series. These small ceramic figures wear masks taking on the personas of animals and frequently include a unique wall bracket or plinth.

One of these series, “From Inside the Birdhouse”, explores a relationship between humans and animals.  Other series are “Still Life's & Curiosities” and “Suspending Disbelief”.  Drawing, visual relationship of objects, and textures are common elements of Curcio’s work.


Public Collections to Display: 

Sacramento Primary Care Clinic, installation collaboration with Robert Charland, Sacramento, California



Typical Marks
Materials: Earthenware
Method: Press Mold
Surface Technique: Glaze
Photo: TMP
Photo: Artist
Guide to Somewhere
Form: Sculpture
Materials: Earthenware
Method: Hand-Built
Surface Technique: Terra Sigillata
Photo: TMP
Photo: Artist
Nut Case
Form: Sculpture
Materials: Porcelain
Method: Hand-Built
Surface Technique: Glaze
Photo: TMP
Photo: Artist

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified June 23, 2023.