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Bonita Cohn

Biography to Display: 

1947 Born Brookline, Massachusetts


1970 BFA Art Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts

1982 BFA Photography and Ceramics, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, California

1985 MFA Photography and Ceramics, San Francisco Art Institute


1977— Teacher, Ruby's Clay Studio, San Francisco, California

1987-2008 Studio Manager, San Francisco Jewish Community Center, San Francisco, California

2007— Editor, ACGA (Association of Clay and Glass Artists of California) News


Bonita Cohn makes stoneware pottery for daily use, primarily using local clays and wood ash. Cohn fires her works in both her own gas kiln and large wood kilns in participation with other potters including Dick Hotchkiss, Nolan Babin, Hiroshi Ogawa and Richard Carter.


Public Collections to Display: 

American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, California

Goshoga Ceramics Museum, Aomori, Japan

Yixing Ceramics Museum, Yixing, China


Bibliography to Display: 

Kiefer, Howard and Deborah Lipman. "The Kiln That Consumed Elkton," Ceramics Monthly, December 1996.

Tourtillott, Suzanne J. E. 500 Cups: Ceramic Explorations of Utility & Grace. New York: Lark Books, a division of Sterling Pub. Co, 2004.

Tourtillott, Suzanne J. E. 500 Pitchers: Contemporary Expressions of a Classic Form. New York: Lark Books, 2006.



CV or RESUME: Click Here to Download
Source: Artist


Artist's Studio: Ruby's Clay Studio


Typical Marks

Incised: Bonita, Bonita Cohn, Wake n Bake SFCA, YIIK, BC, BCohn, Mary Jane

Tea Bowl
Date: 2000
Materials: Stoneware
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Glaze
The Forrest L. Merrill Collection
The Forrest L. Merrill Collection
Tea Bowl
Date: 2000
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Ash Glaze
Photo: Artist

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified June 23, 2023.