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Jessikah Ann

Biography to Display: 

1990 Born


2009-2013 BFA Pratt Institute, New York, New York

2016 BS Engineering, Quinsigamond College, Worcester, Massachusetts


2009-2012 Studio Technician Assistant, Pratt Institute, New York, New York

2013-2014 Studio Assistant, Jono Pandolfi Designs, Union City, New Jersey

2012-2015 Gas Kiln Technician, New Prospect Pottery, Pine Bush, New York

2012-2015 Artist’s Assistant to Tony Moore, Cold Spring, New York

2010—Jessikah Ann Pottery


2015—Ceramic Artist-in-Residence, Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, Massachusetts



Jessikah Ann makes functional wheel thrown decorative porcelain forms. Often her pottery has illustrations of animals, plants and human figures. She paints a silhouette in underglaze, then uses sgraffito and slip-trailling techniques to add detail to the design. Ann primarily fires her ceramics using wood or salt firing methods.


She is inspired by the texture and design of Japanese woodblock prints. She prefers woodfireing techniques that she says, “are chosen to allow the lively movement of the flame to add color and unpredictability to my otherwise highly controlled design”.




Typical Marks

"JA" in cursive with the foot of the "A" encircling the two letters stamped into wet clay, on the side of the piece

Puppy Bowl
Materials: Porcelain
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Glaze, Sgraffito, Slip Trailing, Soda Fire, Underglaze
Photo: Artist
Photo: Artist
Photo: Artist

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified July 3, 2023.