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Eric Abraham

Biography to Display: 

1936 Born Harlem, New York

2013 Died Lucas, Kansas


1963 BFA Painting, Columbia University, New York, New York

1969 MFA Ceramics, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska


United States Air Force

1970's Faculty, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

1971—Faculty, Summer, VailWorkshop for Art and Critical Studies, Vail, Colorado

1983-1999 Studio Artist, Denver, Colorado

1999-2004 Studio Artist, Wabaunsee, Kansas

2004-2013 Flying Pig Studio and Gallery, Lucas, Kansas


Eric Abraham is known for hand-built porcelain vessels and wall-hung multi-layered porcelain forms. Across both bodies of work, Abraham sculpts stylized narratives with at least one miniature mythical animal, most frequently, a flying horse, pig, or fish.

Subject matter is often autobiographical. Surface techniques include underglaze, oxide brushwork, and luster glazes. Abraham focuses on color and purchased ready-mixed glazes and a white porcelain clay body.

In 1971 Abraham helped to start SummerVail Workshop for Art and Critical Studies along with Randy Milhoan, Jim Cotter, Dan Telleen.[1]

[1] 01/21/20 19 4:07PM.


Public Collections to Display: 

Brunnier Art Museum, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa


Bibliography to Display: 

“Eric Abraham, World Famous Artist: Where we Discuss the Purpose of Art, Today." Interview by Terry Talty. Limitless Idea Project, January 27, 2011..


Artist's Studio: Flying Pig Studio and Gallery


Typical Marks

"EA" with a star and the production date edged into the clay.

Dog and Fish Cup
Date: 1987
Materials: Porcelain
Method: Thrown and Altered
Surface Technique: Glaze
Dale and Evan Hartley Collection
Photo: Dale Hartley
Dale and Evan Hartley Collection
Photo: Dale Hartley
Photo: Dale Hartley
When Pigs Fly Bowl
Date: 1996
Form: Bowl
Materials: Porcelain
Dimensions: 5 " x 5.5"
Surface Technique: Clear Glaze, Gold Leaf, Underglaze
Brunnier Art Museum, gift of Carmon Slater and Donald Randall, 2016.452
Photo: Brunnier
Brunnier Art Museum, gift of Carmon Slater and Donald Randall, 2016.452
Photo: Brunnier
Photo: Brunnier
Photo: Brunnier

Citation: Kuratnick, Jeffrey. "The Marks Project." Last modified July 1, 2023.