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Richard Lincoln, Richard M. Lincoln

Biography to Display: 

1929 Born

2009 Died Fort Worth, Texas


1955-1957 Potters Guild, Ann Arbor, Michigan

1950 BA University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

1951 MA University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan


1957—1987 Associate Professor, French literature and ceramics, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas



Richard Lincoln's thrown stoneware pieces are glazed with minimal patterns and are clear examples of the mid-century aesthetic favoring simple forms and glaze patterns.

Lincoln studied with Rhoda Lopez and J. T. Abernathy at the Potter’s Guild in Ann Arbor,  Michigan. He went on to have a long career as an educator and functional potter. 


Public Collections to Display: 

Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas

Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit, Michigan

Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, New York

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Witte Museum, San Antonio, Texas


Bibliography to Display: 

Bevlin, Marjorie Elliot. Design Through Discovery. New York, NY: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1963.

Ceramics Monthly. June 1961.

Perry, Barbara. American Ceramics: The Collection of the Everson Museum of Art. New York, NY. Rizzoli International Publishers, 1989.



Typical Marks
Date: 1960
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Glaze, Incised
The Forrest L. Merrill Collection, Dane Cloutier Archives
The Forrest L. Merrill Collection, Dane Cloutier Archives

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified May 1, 2023.