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Jessica Dupuis

Biography to Display: 

1985 Born Buffalo, New York


2007 BFA Ceramics and Print Media, Alfred University, Alfred, New York

2010 MFA University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina


2010-2011 Artist-in-Residence, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, Houston, Texas


2008-2009Graduate Teaching Assistant, Beginning Ceramics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

2009Graduate Teaching Assistant, Beginning Painting, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

2009-2010Graduate Teaching Fellow, 3-D Design/Introduction to Sculpture, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

2011Adjunct Instructor of Ceramics, Lone Star College at Kingwood, Kingwood, Texas

2012-2013Assistant Ceramics Studio Coordinator and Instructor, The Arts Center, Carrboro, North Carolina

2013Adjunct Instructor, Sculpture I/II, Piedmont Community College, Roxboro, North Carolina

2013-2015Ceramics Studio Coordinator and Instructor, The Arts Center, Carrboro, North Carolina

2014-2016Adjunct Instructor, Art Appreciation; 2-D Design, Wake Technical Community College, Raleigh, North Carolina

2016-2017Lecturer, Ceramics, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, North Carolina

2017—Assistant Professor,Ceramics, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, North Carolina


Jessica Dupuis makes mixed media sculptural ceramic work.  Dupuis describes her process as experimental as she uses a combination of clay slip and found discarded materials like newspaper, cardboard, and furniture.

Each of the functional objects or pieces of furniture have been directly used in Dupuis’ life from childhood furniture to cardboard boxes used in her studio. She covers each item in a combination of slip and newspaper that are then fired to create “shards”. Arranging and adhering the shard fragments to their base objects creates new art objects: panels, boxes, and even twin bunk bed parts that hang on the wall. Dupuis’ most recent work (c. 2016) moves toward a subdued palette of pink, blue and yellow while layers of shards create a highly textured, sharp and delicate looking surface.


Public Collections to Display: 

City of Raleigh Arts Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina

Lone Star College at Kingwood, Kingwood, Texas




The Marks Project is not aware of any signatures or marks for this artist.
Panel 1
Date: 2015
Photo: detail

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified June 19, 2023.