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Gerry Wallace

Biography to Display: 

1943 Born


BA Fine Art Practice, University of California, Berkeley, California

MA Fine Art Practice, University of California, Berkeley, California


Gerry Wallace creates both functional and sculptural work. He uses poured porcelain slabs to hand build teapots and other vessel forms. Sculptures can be house forms. The surfaces of the pieces are finished with clay pencils, glazes, and china paints. 



Typical Marks
Materials: Porcelain
Method: Slab-Built, Hand-Built
Surface Technique: Majolica/Mailocia
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP
Materials: Porcelain
Method: Slab-Built, Hand-Built
Surface Technique: Majolica/Mailocia
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP
Materials: Stoneware
Method: Thrown
Surface Technique: Glaze
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP
Photo: TMP

Citation: "The Marks Project." Last modified March 2, 2023.